Dear Riders,
It will soon be time for re-emrollment or sign-up for new riders at Belle Ferme for the new season, September 2024 – June 2025 :
– Friday May 31st from the afternoon : Half loan and owners
– Saturday June 1st from 8:00 am : riders already members of Belle Ferme
– Saturday June 8th from 8:00 am  : New riders/members
Because there are so many requests, the first-come, first-served principle will be applied for owners, current members and new riders on each of the registration days. For those who cannot come in person at the office on that days, an online form will be available on the welcome page of our website.
Don’t forget to check with your instructor during your next visits which poney/horse lesson you can join in September.
You can check the previsionnal schedule for group lessons here: SCHEDULE GROUP LESSONS 2024-2025