Belle Ferme offers year-round livery, with quality infrastructure and services. The livery rates include putting the horse(s) out to the field, at our scheduled times and days, generally from 9 am to 3:30 pm, except on Sundays and during public holidays. Exceptions to this schedule may be required under certain weather conditions: if the weather is too bad, they may not be able to go out; in hot weather, they may go out at night and return to the stables during the day. Any exit / return to the stables outside of these times / days must be done by you, and cannot be requested of the grooms. Any equipment of the horse will be billed according to the rates from 01/06/19. For specific requests not indicated in the rates, please inquire with us.
Please see here article 8 of our internal rules relating to livery:
Horses and ponies (in this Article 8 for convenience referred to as “horses”) can be stabled (as a livery service) under the following conditions:
I. All horse owners must be members of the riding club.
II. All persons other than the owner who ride or work the horse must also be members of the club.
III. The horse must be up to date with its vaccinations for influenza and tetanus according to the French national regulations. This vaccination certification must be given to and kept by the Riding Centre at all times that the horse is in the Riding Centre in order to satisfy any veterinary inspections.
IV. Owners are required to take note of the established tariffs as agreed between the owner and the Riding Centre from time to time. Invoices are payable on the first of each month and at the latest on the third of the month following the billing.
V. Owners are requested to use their own materials and not the club materials, and to store them correctly at all times.
VI. The price of livery corresponds to the stabling and feeding of the horse. The amount of food is established by the Riding Centre or in by agreement with the owner. The Riding Centre reserves the right to reduce the quantity of food if its staff judge that it presents a danger for the horse, or to put the horse out in a paddock if it stays 3 days or more in the box without reason or notification (except in the case of injury or illness with the express agreement of the manager).
VII. Working of the horse, dressage and exercising of the horse by the staff will be billed according to the displayed tariffs. Owners are requested to give ample notice if such work is required in order to ensure it can be correctly scheduled.
VIII. Horses can be put into the paddocks during the daytime at the request of the owners, preferably made 24 hours in advance, except on Sundays and Bank Holidays. (In case of inclement weather or maintenance of the paddocks it is possible that the horses will not be put outside or may come in early). Putting the horses into, and taking them out of, the paddocks does not include grooming or other tasks that may be necessary when coming back to the stable. The Riding Centre accepts no responsibility in case of injury or accident that the horse may experience in the paddocks or between the paddock and stable.
IX. Horses can be lunged in the facilities of the Riding Centre on condition that:
I. This presents no risks to riders or horses taking part in lessons;
II. This does not take place in a single spot that can damage the footing; III.The permission of other users of the facilities at that time has been obtained.
X.Horses may NOT be released at liberty in the indoor or outdoor arena at any time. The lunging arena is available for this purpose if required.

Mardi - Samedi: 09:00 -12:00 , 13:30 - 20:00
Dimanche sur RDV