An unforgettable birthday – on horseback!
At Belle Ferme, we propose to celebrate your child’s’ birthday with our ponies. Available for all ages and riding levels – beginners welcome!
– Every Saturday from June to September, pony riding from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, followed by tea / birthday cake (provided by yourself) from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
We provide 10 ponies for one hour of riding – as a lesson, small hack or pony games, with a certified instructor. The children will learn the basics, i.e. how to stop, walk, turn, etc., while having fun.
The Club House, the terrace and/or the lawn will be available to you for teatime and/or a celebratory cake (provided by you) and gifts. You will also have access to toilets, a microwave, tables and chairs, according to your needs. All parents are welcome through all the activities.
Equipment : trousers and boots (rain boots fine). Helmets available.
A “birthday” rosette (a ribbon traditionally won during competitions) will be offered to each child.
Price: 395 € TTC. 100 € upon reservation, remaining amount payable on the day of the party.
To book : you can either send us an e-mail (sports@belleferme.com), call us (+33 (0) or come directly to the office. We tend to be booked quite in advance, so best to plan ahead and book in good time for availability,

Mardi - Samedi: 09:00 -12:00 , 13:30 - 20:00
Dimanche sur RDV