New clients: From the homepage on the Kavalog site click “Créer une Compte” on the upper right hand side
Existing clients: login using your credentials. If you have forgotten your password, request a reminder using the link on the upper right of the homepage “Mot de pass oublie”
Top tips for Kavalog:
- When navigating the site, remember to select the correct rider
- To check which classes you are signed up for, select “Lecons” > “Mes Lecons”
- To cancel a class select “Lecons” > “Mes Lecons” > select “Se desinscrire” next to the lesson you would like cancel > “Valider”. Classes cancelled less than 24 hours before the class begins will still be charged (or deducted from your cart). Thank you for understanding.
- To sign up for new classes select “Lecons” > “S’inscrire a une lecon” > select the date from the calendar on the left hand side and then the blue button “S’incrire a la reprise” (always check with the instructor first).
- Pour s’inscrire a un stage voir rubrique “”activités”‘
- To check the status of any cards you may have select “Cartes” > “Mes Cartes”
- To review and pay any invoices: Select “Mes factures”, select the invoice(s) you wish to pay, accept the conditions and click the blue “Continuer” button to continue to payment

Mardi - Samedi: 09:00 -12:00 , 13:30 - 20:00
Dimanche sur RDV