Association Saxo

Our mission

The Association Saxo Belle Ferme provides for the various needs of equines owned by the Sports Equestres de Belle Ferme, most of whom have served as riding school horses and ponies for many years. In their retirement, the Association covers the costs of their food and shelter, ongoing veterinary care and pasture rental and maintenance. When the time comes, it also supports a respectful and gentle euthanasia at home, under the care of a veterinarian, and in the presence of family – horse and human.

We raise funds to support our residents through activities such as pony rides, shearing, blanket washing and the sale of second-hand riding equipment and clothing as well as homemade pesto made from wild garlic grown in our fields. We also benefit from individual tax-deductible donations.

Join us in ensuring the lifelong care of our residents by becoming a monthly or annual sponsor of a special equine friend or by giving a one-time donation in any amount. Each contribution truly makes a difference and helps us sustain our mission.


Make a donation today through paypal, bank transfer or in person at the office and follow us on Facebook & Instagram!

Support Us

Become a member today: either sponsor a specific horse or pony (photos and biographies below!) or make a general donation to the Association Saxo and we will use this for the horse or pony most in need. 

Support Us

5 euros per month this amount represents one trimming of a retired horse each year


15 euros per month, representing one veterinary intervention per year


30 euros per month this amount represents one month’s hay for a retired horse

You can make a donation by paypal, direct bank transfer or at the office. You can always make a donation of any amount.

SAXO BELLEFERME FR36 3000 2027 3600 0007 0558 M11

Our Saxo horses and ponies

Pourquoi Saxo ? Saxo etait le plus ancien compagnon du club et en est devenu sa mascotte. Il a vécu une longue et heureuse vie ici à Belleferme jusqu’à ses 43 ans !


Mardi - Samedi: 09:00 -12:00 , 13:30 - 20:00
Dimanche sur RDV